4 Tips for New Families From a Speller

Keep an Open Mind

This process will be different than any therapy you have tried. You will be asked to presume competence and work with your speller in ways that are new to you, which will challenge your mindset. Keep an open mind and trust that this is where all new families start!

Do the Work

This is a family approach. Remember that this is our communication and should be used outside of our therapy too. This is an exciting process for us and it can be very empowering to see all the ways we can use the new communication in our everyday lives. Parent need to learn and grow with us for real change to occur. Lessons are worth the time!

Don’t Rush the Process

It can be very exciting to work on open-ended communication and even more exciting to start typing on a device. Don’t rush this. When we move too fast, it can be anxiety provoking and create bad habits. When it comes to motor planning, it is a lot harder to break bad habits than it is to start the right way to begin with.

Surround Yourselves with Other Spellers and Their Families

It is important for new spellers to see other people communicating like them. It is also important for families to connect with each other, so they can make the most out of the home environment.

One comment

  1. Thank you for your insights, I’m a practitioner and will share this with my new spelling families.


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